I was intrigued by the twill placemats in S5E9, but decided to do my 8/4 cotton placemats in canvas weave and huck. I wound my warp in natural with a few stripes of flax. Threaded with 5 block canvas weave side panels and a middle section of huck - 5 A blocks, 10 alternating A and B blocks, 5 B blocks - with intervening plain weave sections.
Here is my sample where I test drove various treadlings
Smitten by the possibilities with huck lace treadlings, I wove one placemat with all flax weft, one with LDLDL, and one with DLDLD color-and-weave effects:
My fourth placemat was woven in three sections with all flax as
(weft floats in A, pw in B; warp floats in B, pw in A; weft floats in A, pw in B; weft floats in B, pw in A; warp floats in A, pw in B; weft floats in B, pw in A) 3 times
(weft floats in A, pw in B; warp floats in B, pw in A; warp floats in A; pw in B; weft floats in B, pw in A) 3 1/2 times
(warp floats in A, pw in B; weft floats in B, pw in A; warp floats in A, pw in B; warp floats in B, pw in A; weft floats in A, pw in B; warp floats in B, pw in A) 3 times
Since weft floats in one block and warp floats in the other block have the same tabby, I treadled only (tabby, float, tabby, float, tabby, other float, tabby, other float, ...), closing with the same tabby only when switching to blocks with the other tabby.
Oh my goodness Joan, you get a giant gold star. They are wonderful and it looks like you had so much fun playing with the possibilities. I hope you get stuck on Huck for awhile so we can see what else you'll create. You made my day :)
Thanks, Jane! Your online guild is such an inspiration to me. I'm not a new weaver, but you always give me a fresh perspective on each topic/weave that you teach. Thanks for that!
My next venture into huck will be Cally Booker's double huck class which starts at the end of the month.
Ooooooo, that sounds so great. I don't know anything about Double Huck. Cally has a fabulous reputation. Have fun.
I took Cally's class "Understand Double Weave on 8 Shafts" earlier this year, and it was AMAZING (although a bit like drinking from a firehose, ha). You and Cally keep expanding my weaving horizons.
I have to take some of her workshops. There is so much to learn. 🙂