Have started weaving sample and it has started me thinking of many things.
Is there a way to make more blocks with Swedish Lace like 8 shaft 6 block Huck?
Will noodle with it, but wondering if anyone has played with this?
Hi Charlene,
Absolutely....the alternate method of threading Huck that I provided in the sheets, 2,3,2,3,2.
1,4,1,4,1. Can be expanded beautifully to 8 shafts...it continues
1,8,1,8,1, this gets you 6 units on 8 shafts. Your tie-downs are consistently on 1 and 2...and the floats are on 3-8. There is a lot of literature out there about this. See if you can search old issues of Weavers Magazine...there were many fabulous articles in that magazine...or search past issues of Handwoven. Swedish can morph out of it...simply by putting in an extra tie-down (the other tabby) in the threading and the treadling so you can repeat a unit. The great thing about learning the basics so well is that taking them up to more shafts becomes quite easy to understand. There is method to the madness :).