I am about to dress my loom with the double weave project. I do not have an 8 dent reed, but I do have a 6. The substitution chart says to sley 2-3-3 for 16epi. Is that correct?
sett conundrum on double weave project
It looks like it adds up. Did you do it yet ?
Not the sleying, but I did raddle it last night and to make it come out to the right width in there, I had to put 4/slot and skip one. Perfect. Except for the fact that while we were winding on some of them got caught around the raddle teeth and I now have at least three snapped threads. Arrgh. Going to tackle that today. It's all in the learning, though, right? Hahaha.
Yes it’s all learning. There are no errors! Only learning. Did you tie strings or rubber bands around the raddle? Are you using the Harrisville Shetland for the warp?
My loom (David III) has the raddle caps but I think it was combination of the slots too narrow for 4 threads of Harrisville Shetland and the stickiness of wool. This was my first wool warp on this loom. I’ve used HS on my rigid heddle before and had some sticking problems. I was constantly clearing the shed with a pick up stick.
Take a look at the lofty fiber raddle attachment for thicker yarns. It’s on their website. They are 3-D printed. There is also a cap for the raddle attachments. I got them for my Jane loom. I haven’t used it yet, but I have used the raddle caps that I also got for the regular raddle that is installed at the castle.
Thanks, Barbara. I’ll look at that because I have some plans for much thicker yarns in the future. 😉🥰
Got it all sleyed and tied up. I ended up having to add threads at the end to replace the broken four. Worked fine.
Now I’m wondering if the tie up it right since it’s a sinking shed.
I’ve tied it up like this:
3=bottom (1,2,3)
4=bottom (12,4)
I’ll try it tomorrow and see, but I think it will be reversed with bottom, bottom, top , top. Does that make sense?
I’ll checked the video and that was lead me to this conclusion. Stay tuned! 🤣
I'd have to go back and look at the video too, even though I've done this twice.