Here is my sample of Harrisville Shetland/Brushed Mohair (scarf). I made it successfully in double weave, for the most part. It is doubled up in the 8 dent reed. So on the loom at 16 epi, wove double weave; each layer at 8epi. I used the 3rd season double weave episode as well at the mohair weaving in season 1 to guide me. I think this will work for my double blanket project for my big loom. But I will not do clasping, and I may modify how I manage the fold at the beginning of the weave, depending on any feedback on this thread.
The fold is on the left. You can see that it is fairly loose and may have foretold the issue I found when the piece was off the loom:
The mohair took some getting used to. I rewatched the bobbin winding tutorial and it was a life saver!!! All was good after that. I am not afraid to double weave with the mohair once I got my bobbins to unwind well (watch the bobbin winding lesson)
The center fold line was too loose in this project. I did a double weave blanket several months ago in the Jaggerspun Heather with great success at the centerline. I followed Janes lesson exactly. I skipped a dent at the fold and had substituted one of the last threads with a slick thread to remove from the weaving when done. It looks beautiful. But on this project the fold is too open and it bulged. I had to really work the weave with my hands to get it to flatten out. the inside fold looks better than the outside of the fold. The mohair eventuated the fold too. I'm thinking of taking a needle to the mohair at the fold to pull it loose some more to see if that helps. Brushing helped some too. I may have woven too loose because the warp was so small, I couldn't really through the shuttle; I just passed it back and forth. The draw in was negligible. That could have contributed to the extra loose fold line. The other thought I had was that the mohair didn't full as much, so didn't close the fold as much as the jaggerspun warp/weft did on my 1st double weave project.
This shows the lumpy fold at the clasp and at the full width weave without clasp:
After fulling and a lot of manipulation of the warp, I got this fairly good line at the full woven area (not the clasped area):
The clasped areas:
The last thing I wanted to try on the warp was a clasped weft. Right away I could see that this would work differently at the fold, which is where I wanted to place the change of weft. I just jumped the bump and dove the dip at each pass with the 2 shuttles that I had going. When it was open you could see the link, but it washed out pretty good, overall, especially after brushing.
This last picture shows one side that is fairly bumpy at the fold and the other side that was the inside of the fold that looks good. I find that weird:
Any comments or questions are encouraged and welcomed. Thanks for reading this rather long post.