I finished my first color and weave gamp. It was an absolutely fascinating process. Getting the warp on the loom was a comedy of errors, starting with my counting wrong and ending up with an extra section. Not a problem, and extra section to get creative with. Next it was the warp ending up a tangled mess and it took my brother and I over an hour to wind it on. Not a problems, got to be creative with my swearing! Then there were threading errors and sleying errors, and a partridge in a pear tree!
Once I got weaving it it was an absolute blast! I kept stopping to ogle each new section. After I was done, I was inspired to rethread and resley the warp, because Jane says we can! I had an idea in my head for weaving a clutch handbag. I started to play with that. I'm weaving a tube that is woven shut on the bottom. I'm playing with emptying bobbins so a variety of colors and striping using Fibonacci, and figuring out how to carry the threads in the stripes up the side of a tube! I wanted to attach photos, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I want to say that this weaving course is inspiring me and teaching more than any other course I've taken. Jane has given me permission, no, insisted that I can design and create my own weaving designs. I'm only a few years into weaving, and felt that was something I couldn't do for some time yet. Jane's teaching has given me the confidence to explore, experiment, and embrace my creative side. Thank you SO much!
If someone tells me how to upload photos here, I will add pictures.
Karen, your " life of weaving" sounds like mine. I've warped 3 projects and each time I warped too many and got myself into a mess of knots. I recently saw a post on a weaving group, about a "trapeze". I will be using my "trapeze" in the next day or two for the "muted gamp". I'll take pictures to share with all.