I am confused. I have rewatched the videos in S & W several times on dukagang and still can't get it. In Jane's weaving video she says you alternate the tabby but not the pattern. In one of the other videos she says you use just the one tieup # 2 with the pattern weft(opposites). So for AB (1,3,4) I wove tabby 2 then pattern 134 continuously. Is this right? Then I change to A (pattern 1 & 3) . On pages 5 it shows "columns using 1's" for 1 and 3. So I tried continuously repeating those but certain threads are not getting tied down. Am I miss interpreting this??? I need some clarification, please. Thank you so much.
Summer and winter question(dukagang)
· 1 reply
The tabbies ALWAYS alternate, so for Dukagang you weave (tabby a, pattern, tabby b, pattern) then repeat.