I went looking for Laura Fry’s book, ´Magic in the Water ´ on finishing, and it is unavailable on Amazon. However, she has a self-published version via Blurb.com and I was able to order it. Just thought you all might want to know in case you’re frustrated in being unable to buy it.
Magic in the Water book
· 4 replies
Barbara Olson
Thank you! You're a research genius. I've looked everywhere for a used copy. Blurb.com is a revelation in and of itself.
Deb Olliff
You're welcome. Blurb is fantastic. I am a watercolor artist and several years ago I self-published some of my own books there.
Thanks for this thread
Deb Olliff
You’re welcome! I’ll report back when I’ve got the book. At the moment it’s waiting for me at the post office. I didn’t get a chance to pick it up yesterday and it was closed today 😫