Try as I may, I dot see the above listed functions on the new School of Weaving app. Please advise. Thank you in advance!
Where are the Forums and Knowledge Base on app
· 2 replies
Hi - I found the archive under resources...
Hi! I have a question. I have been weaving mostly with 8/2 cotton. I have designed a scarf for my 2/ply handspun wool. I'm ready to weave soon. My problem is that I have 11 inch slim shuttles with 4 inch bobbins. The idea of cutting my handspun into little chunks is not what I want to do. I realize that I will need a bigger bobbin with of course a bigger shuttle. I am thinking of getting a 15" le Clerc shuttle with 6 inch bobbins. Am I on the right track or is there a better solution. My 2 ply is between sport and DK weight. I'm thinking 10 epi for my twill pattern. Schacht open bottoms aren't available and would have been my preferred choice.