I've moved from a Schacht mighty wolf jack loom to the Spring ii. I LOVE it, but am having trouble with the warp tension on the right side of the warp. I've got my second warp on the loom since getting it -- the first was cotton (winter berries dish towels pattern) and the second is linen (canvas weave kit). For both warps, after weaving for a yard or so the right ~20% of the warp threads get very loose. I can fix it by putting a wedge of cardboard under the very right side of the cloth winding onto the cloth beam, but for the life of me I don't know why it is happening. For the first warp, I thought it was just a fluke. But with this second one doing the same thing, there must be something systematic that I'm doing that is causing it. I'm thinking that when I wind on the back beam, maybe I'm somehow winding that side more loosely? I I know it's hard to answer these questions virtually. But I would love any thoughts on what specifically I'm doing incorrectly. I feel like I'm warping the same way I always have. Thank you!!!