I just took a linen piece off my loom and was wondering for those of you who weave with linen, how do you finish it? I've done research and am unsure whether to cold or hot finish. I know Laura Fry is the authority on this subject. She advocates cold finishing but Tom Knisely advocates hot finishing. So...what have you all done and was it successful?
What is the project? Fabric for something sewn, a dishtowel?? How will you care for the project after finishing?
Is it the bridal shawl you shared photos of? If so, it will not get hard use in real life, but needs some shrinking to allow the threads to move and show off the lace pattern. I would wet finish in the sink with lukewarm water and a little mild soap. Agitate with your hands until you think the lace is showing up as nicely as you want. Gently rinse. I would roll the shawl flat in a big bath towel (no wringing) and then lay it as flat as possible to partially dry.
With linen, this won't take long. Then I would do a hot steam press with my iron.
I bet your shawl will be beautiful !!
Rosanna Lovecchio