I just did the lesson on canvas weave and then bought the Canvas Weave Baby blanket kit from JST. The instructions say to wind the warp alternating cotton cloud with the 8/4 cotton. I warp front to back so I threaded my reed alternating the cotton cloud with the 8/4 cotton because that is how I wound it. But it doesn't seem like I should have done that since now I'm threading my heddles 1-2-2-1 & 3-4-4-3. It seems like I should have pairs of cotton cloud and 8/4 cotton in my reed. Should I have wound my warp 2-8/4 together and 2-cotton cloud together? Help!
Since you wound one end of Cotton Cloud and one 8/4 together - all the way through - you can choose between either of those two threads in that mini "family" to make sure that you have your Cotton Cloud threads side by side (see page 3 of the draft) creating your cosy little blocks on shafts 2 and 3. Your 8/4 will live happily on shafts 1 and 4 and will frame your Cotton Cloud. Just make sure that you are keeping the 2 threads you wound together as a tiny group and only move them around with those pairs