I’ve just bought a new Spring 2 which comes with a 40/10 reed. If I get an extra reed would folk suggest a 50/10 or 30/10 ? Im in the UK hence the standard seems to be metric (Although I’d prefer imperial). Also which metric reed would be suitable for using with Mohair ? I think the 6 dent equivalent is 25/10 which doesn’t seem to be available - would i be OK to use the 20/10 which equates to 5 dent ?
If you think “Imperial” like we do - you can use Imperial reeds. I personally use both on my David loom. They are easier to come by and can sometimes be found second hand! You shouldn’t have a problem finding a 6 dent reed that is the same length as the one you received with your loom. Let us know if this helps.
I have a Spring too, and over times I have accumulated 6, 8, and 12 EPI reeds in addition to the 10 that came with the loom. I think you can get away with the 6 (25/10) and 8 EPI (30/10) reeds for just about anything, but I use the 12 EPI (50/10) reed quite a lot because I have a giant stash of knitting yarns which are fatter than the yarns typically used in weaving. The 36 inch Leclerc reeds fit well on the spring.