Hi all - I have become so obsessed with turned twill on 8 shafts, that I decided to try adding a 3rd block and taking advantage of the 12 shafts on spring 2. I spent a lot of time designing this warp, and was super excited to try it.
Well.......I didn't realize how different it would be to use 12 vs. 8 shafts, especially in sequences where 2 out of the 3 blocks are warp faced, and those treadles become so heavy. It is a work out!
I also made the mistake of not balancing the warp ends across the shafts, so some shafts have twice as many active heddles on them as others. I am having all sorts of tension issues with the shafts that don't have as many active headdles. They are always sitting slightly higher or lower than the other warp ends, and as a result, skips abound!
I have come up with a few strategies to help, including weaving mostly weft faced designs so that I am not struggling with the treadling, using my heavier leclerc boat shuttle which helps minimize skips, etc., but I am simply not enjoying the struggle. I might rethread the towels back to a 2 black design, or I might just remove this warp and start over.
My question is: do you have tips and tricks for using 12 shaft block designs so that the process is easier on the body and the warp tension is even?