I have a baby wolf, so not wide enough for 35” monte christo baby blanket. Can this be accomplished as double weave? Thanks for any assistance!
I don’t see why not.
Thanks, I’ll just have to figure out the tie up. I have 8 shafts, but may not need them. Have to go back and look at the draft! Much appreciated.
Janis, I just noticed that this thread says “Canvas Weave Baby Blanket” and as far as I can remember, the Monte Cristo baby blanket is plain weave. I made one last year, and I know I have never done canvas weave, so…. If you truly mean canvas weave, I have no idea how to do that with double width. I’m sure someone here will, but check and see if that’s what it is.
There are two monte christo blanket kits, this one is canvas weave with two colors of 8/2 thrown in. Thanks for your replies, appreciate it!
Yes, I went back and saw that. I hope you find the answer. The yarn is wonderful. I paired it with Gist Mallo for some colors in the grid of the plain weave one.