I have a new to me Harrisville T4 . It has a metal warping rod that is attached via 4 grosgrain ribbons spaced every 9 inches to the warping beam. There is no apron rod. I have removed the two middle grosgrain ribbons in order to spread out my warp and kept the two end ones attached. I've inserted my lease sticks and tied them to the castle but now need to stabilize the warping rod with additional cord lashing as Jane shows in her video. Suggestions of how to do this without an apron rod?
I'm new to weaving also, but I have the same loom. My apron rod is just a small round, wooden stick with a hole drilled at each end. I'm not sure if you actually have to have one, but it would be easy to find something at the hardware store. My understanding of the lashing was because the wooden apron rod might bend, whereas the metal rod would not?
The metal rod bow too when you have a lot of tension on the warp so that is why I lash them together. It is nice to have a rod of some sort to slide your warp onto before you spread in the raddle. I have used many things of the years when faced with a loom that didn’t have one. I curtain rod, a metal rod, some warp sticks taped together. Whatever you can get your hands on :)
Lisa HIlls
Cheryl Schwarz
Lisa HIlls
Thank you!