I made a mistake on my number of threads I needed for a warp. I have everything wound on and threaded. Can I add more threads on each side and just weight them off the back of the loom without having them wound on the back beam with the rest of the warp? Has anyone ever done this and would this create a huge problem with tension. I would imagine I could put the lease stick back in at the back and unwind the warp and start over if that would be a better fix.
How many ends are you talking about, Juliet? Where do the missing ends fit in your pattern?
Well I was making placemats and doing the log cabin lesson in season 3. I thought I could figure out my own number of threads and where to place the log cabin stripes. This is my first time creating my own warp, I can add to either side since right now I have 2" of white on the right and 7" of white on the left with the log cabin in between. With my draw in I am at 11" and it should of measured 13" in the reed but its only 12" in the reed so I don't know what I did wrong except I may have messed up on the number of my warp threads on the left. I am suppose to have 12 epi so If I added 12 or 18 ends on each side would that create a big problem?
OK, thanks for the information, Julie. You could add a mini warp to each side, but, if it were me, I’d be a tad concerned about keeping my selvedges nicely tensioned, with that many threads been added at each side. Another approach could be to put the two mini warps on the inside of those borders, rather than the outside., keeping them in their cross as you thread them. You would still have to keep an eye on them and their tension, as you weave, but your selvedges are tied on and should be easily manageable as you weave. With placemats - your edges are part of the design and visible to anyone using them ;-) Maybe someone has some suggestions.
I guess I’m a weaving chicken, if my warp is wound on nicely, then it’s a nightmarish thought to me to wind it back off. My weaving space is small and I don’t have room to stretch it out behind the loom. However, that’s me and I’m sure others have had success.
Well I would have to have my husband help me wined it off and that is a scary thought. I would much rather add to my warp and right now it is on nice and tight. Thanks for your help.