I love new site and loving taking classes. I have 4-6 shafts counter balance loom, about 90 cm wide. Planning to purchase Luet delta in order to enjoy more patterns. I know it is own preference, but how you decide width of loom? 110cm or 140cm.
I do appreciate any suggestions.
It all depends on what you hope to weave on your loom. The 140cm would allow you to weave larger item like blankets or cloth for sewing garments but the 110cm gives you a nice, versatile width for weaving most things including a nice, wide double width blanket. My guess is that you’ve been able to weave a lot on your 90cm but having the extra 20cm would give more options. Make a list of things that you have thought of weaving and see if they would fit on the 110cm or would you need the 140cm.
Thank you Sandra! Yes, I like my loom so much. The main reason is to weave unbalance the fabric, and also want to make blanket.
I will think about as you suggested.