Season 8 Episode 4 - Block Double Weave presented by Barbara Mitchell

Season 8 Episode 4 - Block Double Weave presented by Barbara Mitchell

Get ready for an explosion of colour and creativity! We had the incredible Barbara Mitchell - weaving teacher, Handwoven Magazine contributor, and much more, visit us on Salt Spring. She shared her expertise on block double weave on 4 and 8 shafts. We're doubling down on fun by revisiting ideas from Season 2. Imagine the colours from Plaid on one side and Parrot on the other, then watch Barbara work her magic, shifting colours and creating stunning graphics. The results will leave you astounded! Both the 4 shaft and 8 shaft pieces were crafted on the same warp. The project includes six placemats and six napkins for either loom and if you add 2 more yards to your warp, a Repp runner and a tote bag to hold everything. And just to confirm...YES, both 4 and 8 shafts are in play! The knowledge you'll gain is enormous, too much to list here. So, get ready for an exhilarating journey full of colour and creativity! Here's to an exciting ride!

You can purchase the 4 & 8 shaft Block Double Weave kits right here:

Season 8 Episode 4 - Block Double Weave presented by Barbara Mitchell