Season 2 Episode 1 - Colour & Design

Season 2 Episode 1 - Colour & Design

Now we start our little escapade into the world of colour and design. It is a system that I have developed after years of production work and I have seen it empower hundreds of students.

When students do this workshop in house, the first morning is spent taking a good look at sett. We started exploring this last year in Episode 4 and we pick up where we left off last year. That means…. you really should re-watch Season 1 Episode 4 so it all flows seamlessly. You can print out an extra copy of the PDF “your own sett chart” so you can keep records on sett from the get go.

This entire year we will be working with 7 warps that all start at 18 EPI but I change the sett throughout, so it is important that we talk about sett even further to lay our foundation. I provide all the technical information you need to do this on your own looms.

I do encourage you to clean up your stash of 2/8 cotton. You will need 1 cone each of Black, Light Grey, Dark Grey, White and Red, for the first sample which is released with Season 2 Episode 2. We have also put together the Asymmetry Kit for this warp and it’s ready to for purchase:

You can download the first section of the workshop in PDF form with this episode. It is a good idea to do this before you start watching.

We offer all the sample kits to weave for purchase right here:

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Season 2 Episode 1 - Colour & Design
  • 2.1.1 - Intro to Colour and Design

    Jane introduces us to her most popular workshop – Colour and Design - as well the amazing samples that will come off our looms.

  • 2.1.2 - Sett Discussion

    A review of Season 1 discussion on sett and the design possibilities for your fabric when you have sett in your toolbox.

  • 2.1.3 - Re-sleying without rebeaming

    Jane demonstrates the magic of changing your sett from 18 EPI to 12 EPI after you re-sley the warp without rebeaming.

  • 2.1.4 - Sett discussion part 2

    Jane leads us more deeply into sett by showing us how sett can help create the cloth you dream of.

  • Season 2 Colour and Design Principles pages 1 to 10 PDF

    772 KB

    Season 2 Colour and Design PDF. This PDF contains pages 1 to 10 that Jane talks about throughout this season.
    Jane discusses and reviews the following pages of the PDF in the following episodes:
    -Pages 1, 2 & 3 on Colour & Design Principles - in Episode 1, Colour & Design Colour & Design Pri...

  • Blank Master Sett Chart PDF

    422 KB

    Here's a blank Master Sett Chart for you to document your own samples.