Season 1 Episode 8 - A Few Things About Looms
In this episode we are going to take a peek at the 3 main types of looms in popular use at the moment. The Jack Loom, The Counter-Balance Loom and the Counter-Marche loom. We use all three of them on our studio. As weavers, it is very important that we understand how our equipment works so we can troubleshoot and maintain our instrument.
These 3 looms are very different from each other and their differences should be understood by all weavers but especially new weavers who might be trying to make a choice in regards to the new family member that is going to take up a chunk of space in their home.
We end this episode with a wee look at the Jane Loom….my favourite table loom, wink, wink cause she has my name 🙂
1.8.1 - Counter-Balance Loom
Learn about one of the oldest styles of looms which is still used by millions of weavers around the world
1.8.2 - Sinking Shed Loom Louet Looms - David
One of the newest styles of looms available which features a sinking shed
1.8.2b - Louet's David III Loom
Jane demonstrates the new features of the Louet David III loom and compares it to its predecessor David II loom.
1.8.3 - Jack Loom Schacht Spindle Co - Wolf Pup
The unique qualities of the Jack loom, a rising shed loom
1.8.4 - Parallel Counter-Marche Loom - Louet Looms - Spring
ane explains the difference between the European style of Counter-Marche and Louet's Parallel Counter-Marche and features of both
1.8.5 - Table Looms Louet Looms - Jane
The Louet table loom, designed with Jane’s input, is one of the most loved workshop table looms