Cheryl -I found your first photo sent to Julia really helpful also. I had started a thread on ‘Soggy warp at bottom of shed’ and was feeling thoroughly fed up when I happened to come across your reply and photo. I had not brought the apron rod under the breast beam and then over the top before tying on the warp threads. Hopefully now that I am trying that, all my problems will be solved! Photos are so helpful and allow you to spot straight away how things should look. Thanks so much once again.
I hope things are all fixed for you Katherine !!
Yes thank you! Well the warp tension anyway. Now I am trying to figure out how to throw a boat shuttle across 20” of warp threads without it falling through and onto the floor half way across…..I am used to using a stick shuttle on a rigid heddle loom.
This is not going to help on your current project, but Louet will be selling their new shuttle race to folks who own the Jane 8 shaft looms. Not for the 40cm (which is what I have) as the narrower weaving width really doesn't need a race. But they will be selling it for the wider looms. You might contact them about buying the shuttle race kit.
Also Katherine , I have found that some boat shuttle designs are more prone to diving than others. What boat shuttles are you using?
That’s really useful information about the shuttle race thanks a million.. I have a 70 cm Jane so it might be a great help I think. The boat shuttle I am using is an Ashford. I tried increasing the tension and that seems to have helped. I need to be more patient and not expect to be able to toss the shuttle across the shed with nonchalant perfection straight away!
I use a Schacht open shuttle and have not had a problem yet.
Could someone point me to places to add a (temporary) heddle where I missed one in sequence? I'm using a Jane loom, 8 shaft, and found three threading errors I want to fix before switch from the practice header to the scarf I'm weaving.
Hi Julia- I have ordered a Schacht open shuttle now and am hoping that it will help. I am not able to offer any advice on fixing the threading error, but I have certainly made similar errors myself!
If you google - how to make a repair heddle, you should be able to find a video Jane did to demonstrate this.