Looks great Susanne...I don't know about you, but I found this turned taquete piece very difficult to follow while weaving, just could not read my weaving like I like to do. I would have to un-weave frequently to figure out where I was. Definitely not a project to weave while my husband was in the living room with me and wanting to talk while I wove.
Can you believe it - it's already January, 2024!
· 21 replies
Yes, I have to remind my left foot to change treadles😁. Other than that it goes quickly. And I enjoy the feel of the surface of the fabric.
Cheryl Schwarz
Susanne, I wove this on my Carolyn table loom, so, levers instead of treadles. Would have been easier on my floor loom for sure.
I just completed a Harrisville Shetland 8-shaft pinwheel shawl :-)
That's beautiful Lana!
Jody A Fraleigh
Katherine Q
Darlene A. Babych
Cheryl Schwarz
+1 more...
Lana, this is beautiful !!
Is their a schedule of when each lesson is going to drop this year...my calendar is asking!